CRANE Resources

Copy of infographic PA hazards.pdf
Agriculture Infographic Print 2016.pdf
CRANE Framing Document_Final_reduced.pdf

Understanding Erie's level of Preparedness for Coastal Flooding and Other Weather Disasters

 Framing document that summarizes Extreme Weather Erie Survey results and provides weather profiles, baseline, and credible worst case scenario information for extreme temperatures, heavy rain, coastal and inland flooding, high winds, and blizzards. 

Erie CRI update_8_22_22A.pdf

Understanding How Prepared your Community is for Coastal-Flooding and Weather Disasters 

A community self assessment that provides community leaders with a simple and inexpensive method of predicting if their community will reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning after weather disasters. 

Lake Erie waterlevels infographic.pdf
Erie Temperature Infographic.pdf

One Block at a Time Toolkit

A a community assessment and engagement process toolkit based on work from the  “One Block at a Time” project. The toolkit includes process agendas, education and visualization resources, findings, outcomes, lessons learned, and recommendations for replication.